Ye shalt shut up and doth ye work

Ayush Mangal
3 min readMay 17, 2024


Gotta love DALLE-3 lol

While the title suggests that I should go back and do my work, we shall do just the opposite and rant the hell out of our thoughts in this lost corner of the virtual world, while we sit in a room lit up with fairy lights, blasting emo music (I like the way you kiss me by Artemas), only missing a cup of coffee to make things better (which on second thought I should make). So much for being a hypocrite eh?

Engaging in a favourite past time of mine, ie. overthinking about random things which have little to nothing to do with my future, while reading a book which is supposed to make me think (The Clockwork Universe), but only serves as an alternative to scrolling random shit on my phone owing to my attention span of a goldfish. I started contemplating the meaning of life, universe and everything, until I had a major realisation — I should just the shut the fuck up and do my work. Its that simple! Btw the shut up part comes from the fact that I spend most of my time talking to myself in my room in full volume, like the total crackpot I am.

I have a bad habit of over-analyzing my own actions, criticising them to the point of being often rendered paralyzed by the sheer brtuality my brain subject unto itself ( I think, therefore I am? Yeah Descartes, I think I have better odds if I don’t think :P ). I can observe my own actions from a detached perspective and figure out what I should have done in the moment, and why I didn’t do it, and what I should do to fix it….but do we fix it, nah. Instead we just rant about how unfair life is and yeah, just rant a lot.

I wonder if instead of being stuck in the past or trying to make sense of the present or predicting the future, it would be better if I just, shut the fuck up and did my work. Like really, just work and let things happen the way they are going to happen. I spend so much time trying to figure out what might be the best way to go doing about things or exploring random hacks that might make me better at something I want to skill up in, it might be instead better to just shut up, and put in some hours and get shit done?

If I look back at the past, then the moments when I just get lost in the work I am doing or the skills I am trying to develop, the times when I just tune out everything and work the hell out of my capacity, are the moments which end up making all the difference bit by bit. They don’t lead to a sudden metamorphosis, but instead slowly set up a chain reaction of events that can only be made sense of after the fact. In the moment it feels like life doesn’t make any sense, it feels frustrating, and I feel like ranting out to no-one in particular (hence this blog), but really I should just shut the fuck up and get my work done.

So we’ll just do that, shall we?



Ayush Mangal
Ayush Mangal

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